Celebrities are human beings first, stars second, so they naturally have the same strengths and weaknesses, health concerns and disabilities, as everyone else. With that in mind, we share with you some famous people who have been diagnosed on the spectrum. Because at VBA we…
Catching Up with Ava: How Music Impacts my Life
Before I start, I want to ask those of you who are currently reading a simple question: what is your favorite song? Simple I know, but have you ever thought as to why you like that particular song? Is there a particular reasoning as to…
Catching up with Ava: Hello!
My name is Ava and I was diagnosed with PDD-NOS when I was three years old. PDD-NOS means ‘Pervasive Developmental Delay – Not Otherwise Specified’. In easier-to-understand words for my parents, it meant I would have delays in my communication and social skills. So it…