Meet Victoria Yaghjian she has been with us since 2016 and continues to work hard for all her clients. She loves spending time with the children and watch them grow. She continuing to learn and be happy is how she defines success at VBA.
Some of her favorite things to do are hike, be with her family or a day at the beach. One thing you might not know is she use to have purple hair! The kids at VBA would have loved that!
Get to know Victoria; she’s a creative and fun loving person. We’re very pleased to share her story, and hope you’ll
take a few minutes to introduce yourself to her here

- How long have you been at VBA and what is your position?· I have been with company since June 2016 and became a BCBA August 2020
- What inspired you to pursue a career in this field? I was inspired by our clients and their families. I am still working with some of our clients that I first started with and to see their progress inspires me to help even more families.
- What do you like the most about your position and the least? I love playing with kids and making them laugh. My ultimate favorite part is watching our clients utilize play skills that we did during the session and generalizing it with other individuals. My least favorite is driving.
- If you weren’t at the office, what would you be doing instead? I am currently not in an office and work from home or I am providing services in-person. When I am not doing that I am at the beach, on a hiking trail, and/or with my family.
- How do you define success? I define success by not how much money I have, but on my happiness
- How has outside knowledge or experiences prepared you for this role? I believe my outside experiences have prepared me for this role because throughout my life I have been exposed to different situations that lead me to where I am today.
- What’s the most interesting place you’ve travelled to? Costa Rica, being in the middle of the rainforest at night.
- Who is your personal hero and why? RuPaul Charles, he promotes self-love, people being their true selves, not being controlled by your inner saboteur, and happiness through music and other forms of entertainment.
- What is one thing nobody at VBA knows about you? I used to have purple hair.