At VBA we believe that, with the right help, anyone can lead a meaningful life. And while we recognize that not everyone will become famous or wealthy, we find it comforting to know that being on the spectrum needn’t be the factor that holds you or a loved one back from being a productive member of society.
With that in mind, we share with you some background about Director Tim Burton (The Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Edward Scissorhands). While never formally diagnosed with Autism, Burton identifies with the condition. After researching the topic, then-wife Helena Bonham-Carter (Sweeney Todd) came to believe he may have a mild to moderate case of Asperger’s Syndrome.
Burton spent most of his childhood as a recluse, enjoying painting, drawing, and watching films. He struggled during college with real life drawings, but instead chose to embrace his own unique style.
Tim is highly intelligent, dedicated and incredibly focused (some say obsessed) on whatever he’s working on, as well as having an amazing sense of humor and imagination. However, Ms. Carter noted both his lack of social skills and an ability to see things other people don’t see; a statement sure to be agreed to by anyone who has experienced any of his films.
Many people believe that the combination of Tim Burton’s imagination and his focus are what allow him to have such a positive impact on the world around him. Some other things to consider about him movies that you might find interesting:
- The plot of his movies often focuses around a misunderstood outcast.
- Many of his films feature townspeople who misunderstand and/or distrust the lead character
- His heroes are often neurotic, somewhat cowardly and bizarre yet also intelligent and highly moral
Thanks to the challenges provided to him by Asperger’s, Tim has built a successful life. Rather than allowing others to define him, Tim Burton has taken advantage of the pictures in his mind to make films that make us all see the world through his eyes.
Get more information today on how VBA can help children on the spectrum, their family members, and their teachers to reach new milestones, new opportunities for learning skills, and positively reshaping behavior.
VBA’s professional team understands that collaborating with parents and children can mean life-changing achievements.